Dec 18, 2018
A Mexican American with a creative background and an untraditional career path, Ambar Januel (@ambarjanuel) is a marketing strategist and branding expert for non-profits and innovative tech companies. With a focus on social impact, her partners utilize future technologies to disrupt the system, while prioritizing...
Dec 11, 2018
Alexandra Channer joined Joe Miller to discuss how automation is leading to labor abuses and slavery in Southeast Asia.
Dr. Alexandra Channer (@channer_alex) is a human rights advisor for business, helping to identify and...
Dec 4, 2018
Brookings' Joseph Kane joined Joe Miller to talk about how automated vehicles could impact your white collar job--not just those of drivers.
Joseph Kane (@jwkane) is a senior research associate and associate fellow at the...
Nov 27, 2018
Chiqui Cartagena joined Joe Miller to discuss the public policy implications of Hispanic marketing amidst an increased demand for Latino data.
Chiqui Cartagena (@ChiquiCartagena) is the author of Latino Boom II and most recently...
Nov 20, 2018
Sahra Nguyen joined Joe Miller to chat about her new Brooklyn-based coffee venture—Nguyen Coffee Supply.
Sahra Nguyen is an award-winning filmmaker, entrepreneur, and founder/CEO of Nguyen Coffee Supply. Currently based in Brooklyn, NY, Nguyen is...